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Travellers Choice adds another ‘luxury’ specialist

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It may be based in one of Sydney’s most affluent suburbs and cater to high-spending clients but Travellers Choice’s newest member – Travel Your Style – is not your typical ‘luxury’ specialist.

The agency, which operates from Balgowlah, on Sydney’s northern beaches, is owned by Alastair Fernie, who acquired the company in March 2020, just as the pandemic was upending the global travel industry.

At the time, Travel Your Style served a broad cross-section of clients, but over the past few years the focus has narrowed and the agency now primarily services high-spending travellers looking for exceptional travel experiences.

“The term ‘luxury’ is used a lot in the travel industry, but it can be a bit of a misnomer,” says Fernie. 

“Our clients have money, but they are not necessarily interested in spending it all on five-star hotels and limousines. They are sophisticated travellers who want to work with a boutique travel agency that can curate complex, extended and intriguing itineraries. 

“That’s real luxury. And that’s our sweet spot.” 

Travel Your Style was Fernie’s first foray into retail, but he brought to the business extensive travel industry experience, having worked as a senior executive in Australia and overseas for major airlines, wholesalers, cruise specialists and online retail ventures.

His decision to join Travellers Choice was swayed by the award-winning group’s reputation for providing outstanding support to high-calibre independent agents.

“Travellers Choice’s flexible membership model was also an important factor,” he says, "because it allows me to easily scale-up the business services and financial benefits I receive as my business evolves.”

Alastair Fernie of Travel Your Style (middle) alongside Network Development Manager Paul Millan (left) and New South Wales Business Development Manager Paula Moylan (right)

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